When Life Happens

A blog featuring my short stories, characters, writing challenges, and novel updates

The End of One Thing Means the Beginning of Something Else

Readers, I know I let you down this past year. Even as I knew that more of you began to follow and comment on my stories, I fell behind. I let writer’s block get the best of me, and I let my characters grow stale. There they are, sitting uncomfortably together in a bleak waiting room forgotten, a lime, flickering light beaming overhead, the doors sealed tight.

2011, well, it was a tough year. I have a lot of exciting things already in the works for you, my readers, in 2012. I left a lot of things unwritten, unsaid last year, and I am inspired to create in the new year. This is going to be a year to remember, a year of getting published ā€“ whether traditionally or on my own ā€“ of taking a leap of faith in my own work, and doing more for my readers.

Please follow my new blog at http://angiewalls.wordpress.com

This literary blog will follow news of publishing world, including my new exploration of self-publishing. You’ll also find news on my first novel, flash fiction projects, photo of the week, and all my various artistic interests local to Washington DC (indie bands, local film, theatre, art galleries, etc). I’m hoping to explore more on the northern Virginia side, and to write about it in my blog as a tribute to other local artists and a way to expand my own creative talents.

The New Lost Generation Journals at http://newgenerationlost.wordpress.com

I’m very excited to be unveiling a new flash fiction blogs called The New Lost Generation Journals. It is a mix of stories from the 20-somethings of the Great Recession, overcoming lost dreams, surviving unemployment hardships, and searching for direction and hope in a changed world. Look for it later this week!

Thank you for following so far in my writing career, and I hope you will continue to read along on my new sites!

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